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​I welcome you personally to our new website that we hope you will find not just user-friendly, but also a convenient platform to provide all users with information they can access with just a click.​

The Department of Civil Aviation, Ras Al-Khaimah (RAKDCA) is the governing body overlooking all aviation related matters in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. Our main focus is on the safety, security and regulatory aspects of aviation in the emirate, while also concentrating on maintaining the highest standards of quality under the guidance of the GCAA (General Civil Aviation Authority) of the United Arab Emirates. ​

Being a gateway, our role within the emirate of Ras Al-Khaimah is an extremely elaborate one. Our contribution to the development of travel and tourism in Ras Al-Khaimah is our main priority. We are constantly creating value for investors both local and foreign to promote the emirate as a premium destination, as part of the RAK Vision 2030


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About Us

The Department of Civil Aviation, Ras Al Khaimah “RAK DCA” is established in 1976 by decree No. (18) of 2006 and was regulated by law No. (1) of 2012 and its amendments as an independent government body and it’s the local concern authority to oversee the civil aviation and organize its affairs in the Emirate according to the applicable laws in effect in the state and the international regulations governing civil aviation aiming to maintain the safety of civil aviation and air navigation. ​

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No.of Visitors: 127994 | Last Updated On : January 18, 2021